Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm never much of a cook really. Hubs cooks better than i do! so to save cost, thought i'll attempt to make porridge for happy fruit to eat at nanny's.
Anyways it would be nice to be able to personally cook for him.
Considering the fact that i've never cooked a more than a 4 course proper chinese dinner, attempting to cook porridge for my little one is no easy feat.
Work includes shopping for fresh produce... now i can't even tell the diff between a winter melon & a pumpkin when cut into half! So you see.. it ain't easy. Then there's the washing, slicing & chopping (no blender at home.
It used to be when we eat, i'm not much of a clean freak. I just wash the vege twice, drain & it's ready to cook. Nowadays, i see my self scrubbing the potatoes & carrots as though there's no tomorrow.
Anyways, the novice cook in me just have to agak agak my way tru. Not sure how much of everything to put in. aargh... i'm not a fussy eater so even if it was a bit bland, i'll just swallow it in but poor babe, i feel for him. his first introduction to solids & he gotta contend with mommy's cooking. First day bland, next day starchy, following day haiyo dun even wanna think about it.
Yesterday was the first attempt. I tot it tasted quite sweet & not too bad for 1st try. As soon as i got to work, got a phone call from nanny saying the portion was not enough. Was supposed to be sufficient for 2 meals but ended up only enough for one & happy fruit had to had instant cereals for dinner.
well nevermind. try again the next day.
tommorow came. thought i'm beginning to get the hang of waking up earlier to prepare & cook. result? more bland then yesterday's. pengsan!
meanwhile, while i'm still perfecting the art of making porridge for my little one, i think i'll make up to him by treating him with bananas (which he loves)& perhaps some baby yoghurt =)

Glimpses of brighter days ahead

It's been some time or should i say lonnnng time since i last blogged bout happy fruit. well it's been challenging in the past few months. I still have not had the luxury of enjoying more than 4 hours of sleep at one go but i'm happy to say i survived. Seems my body has adjusted to waking up a couple of time a night but if given the chance, i sure won't mind sleepin tru the night =) then again, i probably find myself getting up wondering is he still breathing?? how come he's sleepin tru for more than 4 hours straight?! now if u haven't followed my earlier postings, u'll soon realize it'll be a breakthrough for both hubs & i, somethin worth celebrating when the day comes when we finally announce tt happy fruit slept tru the night! Until then, we're still grateful to God for this precious life. In fact, we still find ourselves longing to greet him & give him a big beary hug-squeeze at the end of our work day when we pick him up from nanny's.