Thursday, March 27, 2008

My first few nights

Following the "cry-my-hear-out" session, i felt much better. It was somehow comforting to be able to pour out all the overwhelming feelings i felt inside.

Those first few nights rocking little luke to sleep brought me to my knees. Many times, in the stillness of the night, i looked out to the window & questioned God "have you forsaken me?" Little did i know what God has planned for us.
Through my aunt, uncle & their family, they rallied to help us pay for a confinement lady to help us out for our first month. But question at hand was "how do we find one in such a short notice?" My aunt made several phone calls, getting contacts here & there but none were available. Finally we got a call saying that someone was able to come by the following day. What a relief! God certainly heard my cry.

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